Stavros Stavrides

Stavros Stavrides

Redefining spatial justice in Athens as a city of crisis: contesting the urban common

JUST: Redefining spatial justice in Athens as a city of crisis: contesting the urban common

a research project funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation – HFRI

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Research team

Stavros Stavrides (PI), Architect with extensive published work on urban commons and spatial justice,
Professor, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Panagiota Koutrolikou, Architect–Urban Planner with research on the spatialities of power and on
urban governance, Associate professor, School of Architecture, National Technical University of
Athens, Greece
Christos Georgakopoulos, Environmental Engineer, PhD candidate with thesis topic urban commons,
School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Antonis Papagelopoulos, Architect, MSc Student with research interest on the mapping of urban
commons, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Dimitris Loupetis, Architect, MSc, PhD candidate with research interest on the spatialities of emancipation,
School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, Greece